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    Pharma Nord Vitamin D chosen for groundbreaking clinical trial

    Pharma Nord’s Bio-Vitamin D3 has been chosen for a groundbreaking clinical trial on the effects of vitamin D supplementation on the immune system and protecting against Covid-19. 

    The supplements will be taken by over 5,000 people for a period of six months as they take part in the Queen Mary University of London ‘Coronavit’ study.

    Scientists hope that the large-scale trial will help to find out if correcting people’s vitamin D deficiencies over winter can reduce the risk and/or severity of Covid-19 and other acute respiratory infections.

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    Chosen for its documented quality

    Pharma Nord’s Bio-Vitamin D3 has been chosen for the Coronavit study because of its long-established use in other clinical trials and a number of previously published studies which show Bio-Vitamin D3’s effectiveness and its ability to raise vitamin D levels in the blood.

    Bent Henriksen, Pharma Nord UK managing director, said:

    "To be chosen for one of the most important and high profile clinical trials in recent years is a real acolade for Pahrma Nord and a hugely valuable seal of approval for the quality, safety and bioavailability of our Bio-Vitamin D3.

    The scientists at Queen Mary Universit are doing doing some amazing work in this fieldand it will be fascinating to see how the coronavit pans out.

    "It was vitally important for them to choose a vitaminD supplement with a proven track recird in clinical trials and documented evidence of its effectivness in raising levels of vitamin D in the blood.

    "Pharma Nord Bio-Vitamin D3 ticks both boxes in this respect and the fact that it is made to pharmecutical standards is a furhter sign of quality which will be crucial when it comes to accessing the results of such a large scale trial".

    For a total of six months, the Coronavit study participants will be given supplements of vitamin D in two different strengths.

    Vitamin D StudyHalf the subjects will be taking 20-microgram capsules, while the other half will be given capsules with 80 micrograms. The study is open-label and has no placebo group.

    Those behind the trial say that it has the potential to give a definitive answer to the question of whether vitamin D offers protection against Covid-19 and other respiratory infections. 

    The UK Government already recommends that adults and children over four years old consider taking a daily Vitamin D supplement during the autumn and winter.

    The Coronavit study has received funding from Fischer Family Trust, a charity organization specialised in supporting medical research and education. It is also supported by Barts Charity and the Aim Foundation.

    Significant results with Pharma Nord Bio-Vitamin D3 

    Pharma Nord’s Bio-Vitamin D3, which is made in a wide range of different strengths, has been used in a series of other scientific studies into the effects of vitamin D supplementation. 

    One study was conducted by researchers from Oslo University and looked at vitamin D and muscle strength. Another study was carried out by Norwegian scientists and looked at vitamin D and its role in the well-being of school pupils.Both studies used Bio-Vitamin D3 and showed that the product resulted in significant increases in vitamin D blood levels, indicating that the supplement has good bioavailability.

    More than 300 different clinical studies have been carried out using Pharma Nord Vitamin D3 1000IUproducts over the past 30 years, including a number of ground-breaking trials.

    Two of the most noteworthy studies made using Pharma Nord products are the heart health trials Q-Symbio and KiSel-10, which used Pharma Nord’s Bio-Quinone Q10 and Bio-Quinone Q10 with SelenoPrecise respectively.

    The studies are published in leading medical journals and are often used as leverage for preventative use of nutritional supplements.

    Pharma Nord’s Bio-Quinone Q10 is used as the reference product by the International Coenzyme Q10 Association for research into the effects of Q10 supplementation.

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