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    B-Daddy - Fertility support for men

    About B-Daddy


    B-Daddy contains two patented ingredients: The selenium yeast SelenoPrecise® and Bio-Quinone Q10.


    The quality of both active ingredients is documented in an array of scientific studies. Selenium protects the body's cells against oxidative damage, while coenzyme Q10 contributes to the body's energy metabolism inside each cell. In this way the two nutrients in B-Daddy support the production of normal, healthy sperm cells.


    How does it work in the body?


    Coenzyme Q10 (Q10) helps the cellular powerhouses (mitochondria) produce energy from the food we consume. This process also takes place inside sperm cells. The source of Q10 used in Pharma Nord's B-Daddy is exactly the same as the Q10 that is synthesized by the human body and has superior bioavailability. Bio-Quinone Q10 is the official reference preparation of the ICQA (the International Coenzyme Q10 Association) and is preferred by doctors and scientists worldwide.


    Selenium is an essential trace element that supports a variety of different selenium-dependent proteins (selenoproteins) that are vital for human health and well-being. The selenium used in B-Daddy is the Danish, patented selenium yeast SelenoPrecise® that contains 30 different organically bound selenium compounds. This particular selenium yeast is able to document that 88.7% of its selenium content is absorbed in the human body. In addition to selenium's protective effect on cells, the nutrient is also known to support:


    • A normal and well-functioning immune defense
    • Normal growth
    • The production of normal, healthy sperm cells



    Male fertility


    An average male ejaculation delivers between 60 and 450 million microscopic sperm cells. The sperm fluid contains different sugars that serve as nutrition for the sperm cells and help them stay viable for about 2-3 days. Sperm cells are matured in the testicles, a process that takes about 74 days to complete. However, as there are several million sperm-producing glands in the testicles, each testicle can produce four million sperm cells an hour.

    Anatomically speaking, a sperm cell consists of a head, a mid-piece, and a long, moveable tail. The head contains the cell nucleus with the genetic material inside. The mid-section is saturated with mitochondria. Inside every mitochondria Q10 is found. The mitochondria supply the energy needed to fuel the rapid tail movements that propel the sperm cell on its long journey to reach the egg cell.


    The sperm cells are some of the body’s most energy-consuming cells. They need the energy to swim the relatively long way from the woman’s vagina through her uterus to the fallopian tube where the egg is fertilized. It is like a race where very few sperm cells are able to complete the 15-25 cm distance to the egg.


    The more healthy sperm cells a man is able to produce, and the faster they are able to swim, the greater the chances of successful conception. This is where B-Daddy comes in as a useful remedy that can ensure the production of normal, healthy sperm cells.


    Benefits in Research


    Selenium in male fertility


    Selenium contributes to normal spermatogenesis; the process in which sperm is made. Various trials demonstrate that adequate selenium supports male fertility.

    A 2009 study1 involved 116 infertile men receiving 200 μg of selenium daily versus a group taking a placebo. It was found that supplementation with selenium had significantly increased total sperm count and motility compared to placebo. The

    researchers noted there was no adverse effects of the selenium supplementation.


    Q10 in male fertility


    In one trial, researchers enrolled 212 infertile men with various sperm abnormalities. Half of the patients were randomly assigned to receive 300 milligrams of Coenzyme Q10 daily, and half took matching placebos for 26 weeks.  The researchers then continued to follow the patients’ progress for a 30-week treatment-free phase.

    The Coenzyme Q10 treatment resulted in significant improvement in sperm count, sperm motility and the percentage of normally formed sperm. 2


    In another trial, researchers assigned 55 patients with abnormal sperm parameters to a treatment group taking 200 milligrams of Coenzyme Q10 or placebo daily for three months,followed by three months of follow-up.  The results showed that Coenzyme Q10 significantly increased CoQ10 levels in seminal plasma and sperm cells. The CoQ10 supplementation was also significantly associated with increased sperm cell total motility and forward motility.  The researchers noted the greatest response in the patients who had the lower baseline sperm motility levels and the lower baseline levels of CoQ10.


    After three months of wash-out following the end of the six-month treatment period, the researchers found that the sperm cell total motility and forward motility were greatly reduced compared with the levels at the end of the six-month treatment period. 3




    1.Safarinejad, M. R., & Safarinejad, S. (2009). Efficacy of selenium and/or N-acetyl-cysteine for improving semen parameters in infertile men: a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study. The Journal of Urology,181(2), 741-751.

    2.Safarinejad, M. R. (2009). Efficacy of Coenzyme Q10 on semen parameters, sperm function and reproductive hormones in infertile men. The Journal Of Urology, 182(1), 237–248.

    3. Balercia, G., Buldreghini, E., Vignini, A., Tiano, L., Paggi, F., Amoroso, S., & Littarru, G. (2009). Coenzyme Q10 treatment in infertile men with idiopathic asthenozoospermia: a placebo-controlled, double-blind randomized trial. Fertility And Sterility, 91(5), 1785–1792.

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