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    Bio Quinone Q10 - The Major Studies

    What is Q10?

    A vitamin-like substance, Q10 can be found in every cell in the human body, specifically in the mitochondria (the energy producing structure of the cell). It is a key component for the production of energy, in the form of the molecule ATP. Cells in the body with high energy requirements such as the muscles and the heart, have a particularly high Q10 requirement.

    Although we can produce our own Q10, these levels peak in our late 20s and gradually decrease from then onwards. Statin therapy is known to reduce this production of Q10 even further as an undesirable side-effect. Small amounts of Q10 can be obtained from the diet, though substantial Q10 levels can be obtained from supplements.


    Q-Symbio Study

    The 2014 ‘Q-Symbio’ study shows Bio Quinone Q10′s ability to protect the health of those affected by chronic heart failure (CHF). A multi-national trial headed by Professor Mortensen of Copenhagen University Hospital, the study was carried out in 420 patients (18 years +) with CHF.

    The study was a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study, which is considered the gold standard in clinical research. Patients were assigned either 300mg of Bio Quinone Q10 daily, or a placebo and both groups were assessed for both symptoms and bio-markers of heart stress.

    Q-Symbio Results

    The Bio Quinone Q10 group showed a 43% reduction in mortality compared to the placebo group.

    Graphs showing reduction in mortality rate in the Q10 treatment groups compared to to placebo.

    Cardiac function was improved, less adverse cardiovascular events were experienced and hospital admissions reduced in the Q10 group compared to the placebo. Not only this, but levels of a particular biomarker (NT-proNBP) which is a sign that the heart muscles is stressed, were reduced (1).


    KiSel-10 Study

    Selenium has an important relationship with Q10 when taken together. Selenium deficiency can inhibit the cells receiving Q10, and Q10 must be available for the body to benefit from optimum selenium function. The 2013 ‘KiSel-10′ study demonstrates this synergistic relationship well.

    Participants in the KiSel-10 study were randomly assigned a placebo or 200mcg of SelenoPrecise (highly bioavailable selenium) with 200mcg of Bio Quinone Q10 for a 5 year period.

    The SelenoPrecise and Bio Quinone Q10 group showed a decreased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease related conditions by 50%. The heart stress biomarker NT-proNBP was lower in the treatment group. The study also showed that the treatment group experienced less inflammation and improved cardiac function than placebo (2).

    The protection persists!

    A 10 year follow up with the participants of the KiSel-10 study was conducted, with fascinating results. The upper quarter of participants with the most selenium in their bodies had significantly less mortality rates than the lower quarter.



    1. Mortensen S, Rosenfeldt F, Kumar A, Dolliner P, Filipiak K, Pella D, Alehagen U, Steurer G, Littarru G, Study Q-S. The effect of coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure: Results from Q-SYMBIO: A randomized double-blind trial. JACC. Heart failure. 2014 Oct 6 [cited 2017 Feb 15];2(6):641–9.

    2. Alehagen U, Johansson P, Björnstedt M, Rosén A, Dahlström U. Cardiovascular mortality and N-terminal-proBNP reduced after combined selenium and coenzyme Q10 supplementation: A 5-year prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial among elderly Swedish citizens. International journal of cardiology. 2012 May 26 [cited 2017 Feb 15];167(5):1860–6.

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