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    Eating fish may lower risk of depression

    It is estimated that depression currently affects 350 million people worldwide, with the World Health Organisation predicting it to become the second leading cause of ill health by 2020.

    NEW Research

    New research shows that people who eat a lot of fish are less likely to be depressed. Men saw their risk reduce by 20 percent, while women saw a 16 percent reduction.  The researchers drew on data from more than 150,000 people across the world. They suggested omega-3 fatty acids may alter the brain’s structure. This, in turn, modifies the activity of chemical messengers linked with depression. The connection is clearer among those who take fish oil supplements.

    A large Norwegian study of 22,000 people found that those who took fish oil were about 30 percent less likely to have symptoms of depression than those who didn’t. The longer study participants took fish oil, the less likely they were to experience symptoms of depression.


    Fish Oil Supplements

    High-quality omega 3 fish oil supplements derive from the flesh of the fish, rather than the liver. The oil should contain the same ratio of fatty acids (EPA and DHA) as found in nature. It should be screened to ensure no toxins are present.

    Fish oil v Krill Oil

    Krill oil is now an omega 3 fish oil supplement, with manufacturers claiming that it offers a better alternative to the fish oil we have been trusting for decades. This is not the case in terms of science or value for money. While there have been more than 1800 clinical trials feature fish oil preparations, just six feature krill oil.   


    For more information or to speak to a nutritional advisor, please call 01670 534 900.

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