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    Fight body fat with CLA and Green Tea supplements!

    If you're looking to tone up for summer our award winning Bio-CLA + Green Tea could help.

    Pharma Nord's CLA with Green Tea

    Bio-CLA+Green TeaA natural supplement which helps to promote lean muscle and reduce body fat. CLA with Green Tea is perfect for those who are seeking to activate fat burning in the body. All while using nutritional supplements to support weight loss as part of a healthy diet and exercise regime.

    What does it contain?

    CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is an essential fatty acid which is converted within the body into a hormone-like substance which also helps regulate the balance of muscle tissue and fat. There is scientific evidence that Green Tea extract can inhibit absorption of fat from the digestive tract, activate fat burning and increase energy expenditure.

    How much does it cost?

    The recommended intake for CLA and Green Tea supplements is 2 tablets 3 times per day. Due to this, that works out at only £1.50 per day! (£14.95 for 60 capsules) There are no adverse effects to report however diabetics, pregnant or lactating women and people with hypertension should seek professional advice.


    For more information about weight management supplements, contact our nutritional advice line on 01670 534900.

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