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    Pharma Nord team raises money for CHUF

    3 Peaks Challenge - Rasmus and TrevorA team at Pharma Nord has raised over £500 for the Children's Heart Unit Fund (CHUF) at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital by reaching the three highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales.

    National sales manager Rasmus Henriksen and marketing executive Trevor Pill completed the Three Peaks Challenge last Saturday. They reached the summits of Snowdon in Wales, Scafell Pike in England and Ben Nevis in Scotland, all in less than 24 hours.

    National Sales Manager Rasmus Henriksen commented: “It is great to be supporting such an important charity in our native North East. Many of our customers suffer from heart conditions and much of our research focuses on how supplements may be able to strengthen the heart and improve survival among those with heart failure.

    "The going was tough at times and we were relieved to reach the top of the three peaks in 21 hours and 35 minutes."

    The money raised for CHUF will go to the Children's Heart Unit at Newcastle's Freeman Hospital. It is one of only two centres in the UK offering paediatric heart transplant and bridge to transplant. In recent years, transplant numbers have increased to the point where the unit now provides almost half of the UK's paediatric transplants.

    Chris Gray, head of fundraising for CHUF said: “We’re so indebted to Rasmus and Trevor for their efforts and to all their friends and colleagues at Pharma Nord who have supported them. The fantastic sum raised will be put to great use on the Children’s Heart Unit at the Freeman Hospital, which treats babies and children from all over the UK.”

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