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    Pharma Nord's Q10 Nominated for Award

    Best Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

    Bio-Quinone Q10 GOLD 60Announcing that Pharma Nord's Bio-Quinone Active Q10 is up for a nominated award in the 'Best Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements' category at this year's Natural Lifestyle Magazine Awards.

    Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance which plays a vital role in the body's energy supply mechanism. Pharma Nord's Bio-Quinone Active Q10 has been part of over 90 scientific studies worldwide.

    Therefore this confirms it to be of the highest quality absorption. Thousands of people have found a natural energy boost with Bio-Quinone Q10. Consequently, here's what our customers have to say:


    John - 

    "I started taking Q10 after hearing a recommendation on radio... I'm 65 and now attend gym 4 times a week completing full work outs. I feel fitter now than 10 yrs ago."

    Mr Berlandi - 

    "The only supplement I've taken where I've seen a notable difference, specifically in my energy levels in the morning and early afternoon."

    Mr Donnelly - 

    "I was put on statins about 5 years ago. After all these years this has made me feel tired and lacking in energy. I was advised to try Bio-Quinone Active Q10 and after 4 months I can really feel the benefit."


    If you have experienced the benefit of taking Pharma Nord's Q10, please take a minute to vote for us. Voting has now closed. 



    For more information on Bio-Quinone Active Q10 visit the Pharma Nord Q10 website here.

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