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    'Everyone' Should Take Vitamin D Supplements

    According to a new report by Public Health England everyone needs vitamin D equivalent to an average daily intake of 10 micrograms. This advice is based on the recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN).

    What is vitamin D?

    It is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced in your skin in response to the UVB rays present in sunlight. Only 10% of our daily intake comes from our diet with 90% coming from sunlight. The best time to produce vitamin D from sunlight in the UK is believed to be from March to October, however, even in the British summer we often don't get enough sunshine to produce our daily requirement.

    PHE recommends that during autumn and winter, everyone will need to rely on dietary sources of vitamin D and as it is difficult for people to meet the 10 microgram recommendation from food alone, people should consider taking a daily supplement.

    The vitamin D synthesis is also inhibited by ageing, lack of sunshine or covering up with clothes. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, people with darker skin pigmentation, young children and elderly people may also have inadequate UV exposure.


    The power of the sunshine vitamin

    It is important to make sure you have enough of this vitamin in order to gain from its many health benefits:

    Support your bones and muscles

    It is critical to the health of bones and teeth: without it, calcium cannot be effectively absorbed by your body. Consequently, deficiency of the vitamin can result in bone and muscle pain, poor bone mineralisation and a greater risk of osteoporosis and fractures as we age.

    Mental Health and Wellbeing

    If you feel tired or low you could be in need of a vitamin D boost. There are links between vitamin D deficiency and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression that usually begins in autumn and continues throughout winter. Symptoms include feeling sad or anxious, fatigue, concentration problems and irritability. Although the exact cause is unknown, studies suggest that it may be due to a lack of sunlight.

    Boost your immunity

    It can stimulate the body's production of anti-viral and anti-bacterial proteins, making it an effective nutrient to boost immunity and protect against colds and flu. People with low levels of vitamin D are 40% more likely to report respiratory infections. There is an association between deficiency of the vitamin and an increase in the risk of auto-immune disorders such as multiple sclerosis.


    Why Pharma Nord's Vitamin D3?

    Studies have shown supplements which dissolve vitamin D3 in oil to aid absorption are better than those in powder. Here are some more reasons to choose Pharma Nord's vitamin D3:

    • Vitamin D3 cholecalciferol is approximately 300% more effective than D2, which is often found in fortified foods
    • We offer four strengths – 400IU, 800IU, 1,000IU and 5,000IU
    • Oil-based capsule form for enhanced absorption
    • The easy to swallow tiny gel capsules are suitable for all the family
    • Manufactured to pharmaceutical standards
    • Blister packed, no exposure to the atmosphere.
    • Exceptional value: 120 capsules from £6.95

    For more information on Bio-Vitamin D3 click here, or call our nutritional advice line on 01670 534 900.

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