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    Readers vote Bio-Chromium as 'Best Supplement'!

    Readers of the UK's popular free health magazine Natural Lifestyle, have voted Bio-Chromium as their Best Supplement of 2014With 42 percent of the vote, Pharma Nord's chromium supplements have claimed an impressive victory over some tough competition in its category. There is no greater accolade than praise from happy customers and we would like to thank those who voted for their support. 

    Natural Lifestyle Winner - Best SupplementThis exciting, natural product can help you to kick your sugar habit. One in three adults in the UK has high blood sugar, which can contribute to the cravings often experienced by those who struggle to lose weight or resist sugary snacks and junk food.

    Bio-Chromium contains ChromoPrecise organic chromium yeast, which is approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for maintaining normal blood glucose (sugar) levels.

    National Sales Manager, Rasmus Henriksen, said: "We are delighted to have won the 'Best Supplement' award for Bio-Chromium. We firmly believe Bio-Chromium can help to control the nation's addiction to sugar and improve people's general wellbeing."


    Why choose Bio-Chromium?


    Modern convenience foods contain very little chromium and UK dietary intake is well below recommended levels. Processing and cooking methods deplete chromium from food and inorganic forms of chromium from supplements are often hard to take up from the digestive tract.Bio-Chromium

    This makes the organic chromium yeast, ChromoPrecise, found exclusively in Bio-Chromium, the only effective choice for supplementation. EFSA has also confirmed that ChromoPrecise is up to ten times more bio-available than other sources of chromium such as chromium chloride, picolinate, polynicotinate and dietary sources, meaning it is better absorbed in the body.




    For more information on Pharma Nord's 'Kick your sugar habit' campaign and to learn more about how Bio-Chromium could help you, visit

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