Renowned cardiology publication highlights coenzyme Q10 research
Renowned cardiology publication highlights coenzyme Q10 research
Scientific cardiology publications don’t usually write about nutritional supplements. This makes it even more noteworthy that the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) featured an article about the vitamin-like compound coenzyme Q10. Interestingly, four of the published studies mentioned in the article are conducted with Pharma Nord’s own coenzyme Q10 formulation.
You might expect that whilst reading a publication named the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (considered by many as the world’s leading publication of its field), you’d only find information regarding advanced heart medications or surgical techniques. News about nutritional supplements is not usually a topic that takes up a lot of space in the journal.
Nonetheless, the February 9th issue of JACC from 2022 contains a special focus seminar named “Nutritional Supplements and the Heart”.
Large concentrations in the heart
In this section, two leading cardiologists in Texas, Dr. Albert E Raizner from Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, and Dr. Miguel A. Quiñones from Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital, describe multiple studies that have been conducted with the vitamin-like compound coenzyme Q10, which we humans have in particularly great concentrations in our heart muscle tissue.
Pharma Nord’s Q10 is highlighted
No less than four of the included studies have been conducted using Pharma Nord’s coenzyme Q10 formula that is relied upon by researchers worldwide due to its documented quality and bioavailability.
Among the studies mentioned by the two cardiologists in their article is Q-Symbio, a double-blind, placebo-controlled intervention trial of 420 patients that was published in 2014 in JACC, Heart Failure. This trial is perhaps the most persuasive evidence in favour of using coenzyme Q10.
Helps cells prepare energy
One of coenzyme Q10’s key functions is to serve as an energy catalyst that helps cells convert our dietary fats, carbohydrates, and protein into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is energy stored in molecular form for future use. The process takes place inside the mitochondria, which are microscopic “powerhouses” that our cells are packed with.
Heart muscle cells have a particularly great need for energy, and therefore have substantially higher mitochondrial density than other cell types.
Special technique solves absorption issues
Coenzyme Q10 supplements have been around for decades, and they are some of the most frequently used preparations worldwide.
One barrier to taking supplements of this natural compound, however, is that the body has difficulty absorbing it.
At temperatures below 49 degrees Celsius, the coenzyme Q10 molecules aggregate and form large, indigestible crystals that cannot pass through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream.
Pharma Nord resolved that problem by developing a special manufacturing method that involves using different types of oil and a patented heat treatment. This alters the surface of the crystals in such a way that they are able to dissolve completely at normal body temperature in the stomach.
You can read here about why Pharma Nord’s Q10 formulation has become the preferred choice among researchers worldwide because of its exceptionally good bioavailability.
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