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    Scaling heights in Northern Ireland

    Last September Pharma Nord's Managing Director Bent Henriksen took the opportunity to scale 19,000ft to reach the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

    This year he stayed much closer to home, scaling the slightly smaller peak of Slieve Donard – which sits on the eastern coast of County Down.

    Slieve DonnardBent climbed the 2,790ft to summit the highest mountain in Northern Ireland, alongside renowned adventurer Noel Hanna.

    Bent, now 77,  has always believed he can generate more energy and stay active thanks to Pharma Nord's coenzyme Q10.

    Q10 is a vitamin-like nutrient that’s responsible for turning the food we eat into the energy used by over 100 trillion body cells.

    It’s especially important for the normal function of muscle cells, including the heart.


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