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    Top supplements for senior health!

    The US is celebrating National Senior Health and Fitness Day and so we thought it would be the perfect time to talk about the nutrients that can help us as we age.

    Feel Energised

    Bio-Quinone GOLD 60Coenzyme Q10 is our body's daily power source. It is needed by every cell in our bodies to produce energy. The vitamin-like substance is manufactured within the body but our ability to do this decreases with age. If you feel like your energy levels are flagging or if you take statin-type drugs, you could be in need of a Q10 boost.

    Try Pharma Nord's Bio-Quinone Q10, which was the first Q10 formula to be introduced to Europe.

    Healthy Bones

    Looking after our bones is extremely important, particularly as we age. Did you know that from around 35 years of age, you gradually start to lose bone density? This is a normal part of the ageing process, but for some people, it can lead to osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures. One of the key nutrients for bone health is vitamin D.

    D3 1000IUKnown as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it is produced in the skin in response to sunlight, vitamin D is vital to ensure calcium is effectively absorbed from the digestive tract. Many people in the UK are deficient in vitamin D, particularly during the winter months, and levels are also impacted as we age. If choosing a vitamin D supplement, look for a minimum of 800 International Units (IU) of vitamin D3, which is the same as the form produced naturally in the skin.

    Try Pharma Nord's Bio-Vitamin D3.

    Skin Care

    As you get older, you may notice your skin isn't as smooth or tight as it used to be. It may also be drier and more fragile. That's where Bio-Pycnogenol, a pine bark supplement can help. Pycnogenol binds with proteins collagen and elastin and protects skin from various harmful enzymes helping to rebuild elasticity. This is essential for smooth, younger looking skin, with fewer wrinkles.

    Stay Active

    Healthy joints can help you to stay active for longer. Glucosamine and chondroitin are found naturally in healthy joint cartilage. Glucosamine sulphate taken alone, or glucosamine in combination with chondroitin sulphate, can improve joint mobility and relieve pain, as well as slowing osteoarthritis type damage to joints.

    Try Bio-Glucosamine Mega, which is intended for joint support, cartilage and bones.

    Magnesium 60Studies have also shown a role for magnesium in preventing or delaying the decline in physical performance associated with age. Magnesium controls more than 300 different enzyme processes in the body, many of which play a natural role in normal muscle function, nervous system function, and psychological functions.

    Try Bio-Magnesium, which contains three different forms of magnesium to ensure the mineral can be best absorbed by your body.


    For free nutritional advice email or call 01670 534 900.

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