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    Why Is Selenium Good For You?

    Howard Walker

    By Howard Walker

    Public Relations

    A new scientific review of 13 different studies has concluded that people with high levels of the micronutrient selenium in their blood have certain advantages. So what is selenium and why is more of it good for you? 

    Selenium is an essential micronutrient that can be found in certain seafood, Brazil nuts, wholegrains or supplements and it plays a vital role in keeping you healthy.

    That’s because selenium is needed by the body to produce selenoproteins. These are vital substances with incredible properties, including glutathione – the body's most important antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Selenium is also important for healthy hair and nails, thyroid function and metabolism.

    Now new research has added further evidence to the importance of selenium.

    According to a Swedish-Chinese meta-analysis of 13 scientific studies*, people with higher levels of selenium in their blood have certain health advantages compared to those with lower quantities. In fact, the scientists point to measurable health rewards for every 10-microgram increment in their blood selenium.



    Supports vital selenoproteins

    The meta-analysis, which is published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, adds to the growing heap of scientific evidence pointing to selenium as a crucial micronutrient for maintaining good health. Selenium supports well over 25 selenoproteins in the human body, several of which are needed for normal immune function, normal thyroid function, and normal fertility.

    Supports earlier selenium research

    The new review supports the findings of the KiSel-10 study, which is among the studies included in this meta-analysis. In this study from 2013, Swedish cardiologists found that daily supplementation of healthy male and female seniors with 200 micrograms of the selenium yeast SelenoPrecise and 200 mg of Bio-Quinone Q10 resulted in positive scores related to quality of life.


    Are you getting enough?

    One of the problems with selenium is that many of us don’t get enough of it. A recent dietary survey found that half of all men and a quarter of all women in the UK do not get the recommended daily amount needed for optimum health.

    One reason for this is that selenium levels in UK soil are low so the food which we eat – whether from crops or from animals – is low in selenium. This makes taking a selenium supplement a useful option for many people.


    SelenoPrecise 200mcg 60 tabletsSelenium yeast with solid documentation

    Pharma Nord’s selenium supplements, SelenoPrecise is widely used in scientific research because it has documentation showing that 88.7% of its selenium content is absorbed in the body. It is also suitable for vegans and vegetarians, making it ideal for those following a diet or lifestyle free from animal products.


    * Angelica Kuria, Hongdou Tian, Mei Li, Yinhe Wang, Jan Olav Aaseth, Jiajie Zang & Yang Cao (2020) Selenium status in the body and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition


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