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    This page contains the approved side effects reporting procedure for Pharma Nord UK products.


    A side-effect/adverse effect is an unwanted effect of a drug. Herbal medicines and food supplements can also have adverse effects.

    If you experience symptoms you did not expect, symptoms that are not in the patient information leaflet or other information for Pharma Nord products, you should contact your doctor.


    If you consider that a side-effect may be serious you are recommended to immediately contact your doctor or the emergency services.

    Your doctor can judge if an adverse effect requires alterations to your treatment. They may consequently recommend that you stop using a product. Your doctor may also be able to further aid you with your side-effects as they have access to your medical journal to aid in their assessment.

    It is also possible to report side-effects via a pharmacy, or directly to the national medicines agency by following the instructions on their website. You can report side-effects to Pharma Nord however we recommend reporting these to your doctor.

    If you have questions regarding reporting of side-effects, including side-effects for food supplements and skin-care products, you are welcome to contact Pharma Nord.

    Reporting Adverse Effects to Pharma Nord
    If you wish to report side-effects that you or one of your relatives have experienced directly to Pharma Nord, please contact us by phone between 9:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.

    We prefer that you contact Pharma Nord by phone so that we can discuss side-effects experienced directly with you. However, you can also send an e-mail to containing as much of the important information below as possible. We may contact you if we require additional information.


    Pharma Nord would like to know the following information in order to evaluate side-effects. Please have this information at hand if you call, or include it in your e-mail:

    • Name and contact details (including nationality) of the reporter.
    • Name, age, and sex, of the person experiencing the side-effect(s).
    • Name(s) and batch number(s) of the Pharma Nord product(s) used.
    • Amount took and when it was taken.
    • Date of start (and eventual stop) of use of the Pharma Nord product(s).
    • Description of side-effect(s), including date(s) of onset and development.
    • Name(s) of other drugs, herbal remedies, or food supplements taken and the reasons for use.
    • Any relevant medical history, notably previous experience with side-effects and allergy.
    • Any treatment or opinion given by a healthcare professional.
    • In some cases, Pharma Nord has an obligation to seek additional information from a Healthcare Professional with knowledge of the side-effects reported. Therefore, please provide the name and contact details of your doctor in case we need to contact them.


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