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    Try a box of D-Pearls® Green 

    Try one of the best documented vitamin D products when you sign up to our newsletter and pay for shipping only.

    Even though spring is upon us and the sun is starting to appear, did you know we still arent getting enough sunlight to synthesise vitamin d? 
    For adequate vitamin D to be produced naturally in the body the suns UV rating has to be 3 or more. For this to happen, the sun needs to sit fairly high on sky, which it often doesn't during this season.

    But you’re in luck. You now have the opportunity to get a box of D-Pearls Green 38ug when you sign up to receive health information based on the latest research.

    *You only have to pay £2 for shipping.

    The offer is only available once per household, and only as long as stock lasts.

    If signing up to our newsletter for the first time, remember to confirm the email we send you, after you fill out the sign up form.